Trans 3 Days in Klaipeda. Active And Passive

Robherta Alves TS ,come and enjoy all my body and services. Call me and i will bring you more info. 100% real pics. THE BEST EXPERIENCE GIRLFRIENDr
Spending time with me will be an unforgettable experience one that u would want to repeat. r
I enjoy treating a man as if he is the only one in my world You will not be rushed or disappointed. r
When all you have met in the past has only turned into disappointment now you are guaranteed a memorable experience. r
Come and find out for yourself why I am one of the most exclusive transexuals in the world .
Mano telefonas:  +37062907**2

  • Miestas: Klaipėda
  • Amžius: 26

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  Mano telefonas:  +37062907**2

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