Shemale Trans Camilla 20 Cm In Vilnius

Hey guys
This is my first time in your town and I couldnt be more excited to be here.
A hot european girl from Portugal with a pretty face dirty mind a great body gorgeous DD boobsand a nice big surprise
I am super flexible with my services: I can do girlfriend experience domination rough caring/gentle.
All inclusive. oral both ways giving and/or receiving penetration rimming French kissing chatting. I myself prefer to be more dirty and dominating as I have zero taboos but as I said I will adapt myself to your needs to make you happy. For me everything is game.
got something specific in mind. ask me.
Are you a first timer. Let me take care of you. I will treat you nicely. I am very good with first timers.
give me a ring to book an appointment. if I cant take your call please try again in 10 or 15 minutes.
Trans Camilla
Mano telefonas:  +37069325**9

  • Miestas: Vilnius
  • Amžius: 24

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  Mano telefonas:  +37069325**9

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TOR Xvbg numeriu: 1679

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